
Lenten Midweek 3

“And lead us not into temptation.”  We pray this petition every time we pray the prayer our Lord taught us.  Temptation around us is real, constant, and a continual danger to our lives of faith.  Joseph, already treated unfairly and residing in a distant land among the Egyptians, was not exempt to facing temptation.  His reward for standing faithful and firm?  More unfair treatment.  Yet even amid imprisonment, he would remain faithful to the Lord, as his hope was kept in Him.  As we face temptation each day, we also pray for the same steadfastness, knowing through it all that Jesus is the perfect fulfillment of faithfulness taking on, and perfectly resisting, every temptation for us.

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(Sermon) 06/09/24

Welcome to the Blessed by the Lord Podcast! Today’s recording is from June 09, 2024. Special thanks to our

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