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Sunday Worship Times

About our Worship Service

Welcome to St. John, where each generation imitates Jesus, helping others to do the same. We welcome you in Jesus’ name and pray your worship with us is meaningful. May God’s Spirit light the fire of your love for Jesus so that others can know Him by your words and actions. 

If you would like to learn more about Jesus, our Savior, or the ministry and teachings of the Lutheran Church, please contact one of our Greeters or an Elder.

All are warmly invited to our Fellowship Time following 8:30 am Sunday service. Coffee and other refreshments are available in the Family Life Center as well as plenty of refreshment while meeting and greeting one another. Find someone you don’t know yet, and get reacquainted with someone you do know!

Our way of worship – we are a liturgical church. That means that we follow a special order of worship, which is historical in its form, and contemporary in language as we hear God’s Word and speak or sing it in response to His Good News. The liturgy is designed so that each participant is actively involved in glorifying God. Through worship we are uplifted and strengthened to serve as we go out and enter the mission field, reaching those who don’t have a trusting relationship with Jesus, our Savior.

We celebrate Holy Communion every Sunday, since we recognize our need for forgiveness and stronger faith to live as Jesus’ disciples. As we commune at our Lord’s Supper, we proclaim His death until He returns. We also:

– Proclaim that we are baptized children of the Triune God: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit;
– Are truly sorry for and confess our sinfulness to God and promise to amend our sinful ways, forgiving our neighbors as God has forgiven us;
– Believe that Jesus is alive and risen and really gives us His true body and blood in, with, and under the bread and wine for complete forgiveness and strengthening of faith;
– Rededicate our lives to God’s glory with the Holy Spirit’s help.

Traditional Sunday Service

8:30 am

Fellowship and Refreshments
(In the Family Life Center)

9:45 am

Adult Sunday School 


Kid’s Sunday School


 Contemporary Worship Service 11:00am